Get excited for the month of October, a 5-week month that gives us more days to workout and work towards our goals. I have some new goals for each class and some different training techniques to share. 5am Bootcamp , nothing beats running in the fall - October mornings when its crisp, the leaves are changing, and you can run through a pile of crunchy leaves is something that should get your butt's out of bed for all 14 days of Bootcamp....make it your goal not to miss a class. I am looking forward to challenging each of your systems a little differently. Your VO2 max is essential to long runs - it allows your body to rely on glycolysis for energy & glycolytic enzymes to regenerate ATP. Since every run, from 3 miles - 12 miles uses a little bit of the anaerobic system before switching over to the aerobic system, you all will be trained to allow that switch by the end of the 5 weeks. Training this system specifically will in turn allow yo...