Get excited for the month of October, a 5-week month that gives us more days to workout and work towards our goals. I have some new goals for each class and some different training techniques to share.

5am Bootcamp, nothing beats running in the fall - October mornings when its crisp, the leaves are changing, and you can run through a pile of crunchy leaves is something that should get your butt's out of bed for all 14 days of Bootcamp....make it your goal not to miss a class. I am looking forward to challenging each of your systems a little differently. Your VO2 max is essential to long runs - it allows your body to rely on glycolysis for energy & glycolytic enzymes to regenerate ATP. Since every run, from 3 miles - 12 miles uses a little bit of the anaerobic system before switching over to the aerobic system, you all will be trained to allow that switch by the end of the 5 weeks. Training this system specifically will in turn allow you to buffer muscle acidosis more efficiently = running at a faster pace for a longer amount of time....burning more Kcals and elevating EPOC!!!

Cardio Conditioning - lots of long duration biking in September so I think it is time to take it back to shorter duration sprint training which will produce muscle fatigue quicker & utilize your anaerobic systems. Expect some more athletic style drills focusing on agility, hand-eye coordination, quickness, and proprioception.

ROCKSTARS: keeping with the theme of anaerobic training, your class will learn to take it up a notch by adding short duration intervals thoughtout the 60 minute class. Since the focus of this class has always been on steady-state, long duration, aerobic training, adding a little bit of explosiveness will train your body to reduce muscle glycogen and stimulate the use of fat for energy - it will be crucial that you are going the straight 60 minutes nonstop.

Alright MUSCLE FUSION: we have been lifting for the last month, some of you made every class some of you only missed 1 or 2...not bad. However, I challenge every single one of you to make your MUSCLE FUSION class. It is important during the next 5 weeks to train the muscle groups according to my plan. During the month of September, we took out a lot of the cardio - style training. Well this month, it's coming back in a shorter-duration, higher-intensity way. This will allow us to continue to lift heavy, but also keep that heart rate elevated during the recovery phase. By doing so, more Kcals are being expended and your are training your body to work through muscle fatigue and muscle failure. It is the stimulus of the class that will tear down the muscle fibers but equally important is your nutrition. I want you to make a promise to yourself that you will take in those 22-24 grams of proteins post workout. Have a plan and prepare your drinks, smoothies, protein shakes, etc ahead of time. Don't go hungry - you want to build lean tissue and to do so, you need Kcals - from clean, whole, and healthy sources. By the way, I am quite impressed with everyone's lifting technique and even more so with everyone's ability to lift heavier workloads. It feels good to be strong!!!

Small Group Personal Training: Let's just say I am excited to share the new modalities with you and also share my expert background in Exercise Science to help each and every one of you accomplish the goals you have set. With that, my goal for all my PT clients is to turn on some of those posterior muscle groups both proximal & distal to raise awareness to muscular balance and understand your own mechanics to improve movement in all the other classes and in everyday life activities.

As always, I promise you the best top-notch classes and programs. I promise to keep doing my research through reading of journals,  my own research, attending national conferences, and  local trainings.


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