Post workout recovery: Perfect blend after this mornings workout!!!
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder 108kcals
1tbsp peanut  or almond butter(low-sugar) 60kcals
1 whole banana 100kcals
1/2 cup Almond/Coconut Milk (by Blue Diamond) 30 kcals
5-6 ice cubes (for thickness)
less than 300 kcals

Mid morning snack:
1 medium size red apple
8 almonds

1 Hard Boiled Egg (lecithin = healthy liver to burn body  fat) = less than 70 kcals
1 cup Low-fat Cottage Cheese = less than 200 kcals
1/2 sweet potato - baked = 53 kcals (Vit A, B6, C, E, K potassium, manganese, selenium)
TOTAL KCALS = 323Kcals

So far, if you followed the nutrition suggestions above, your total kcals as of now is less than 800kcals. Therefore, you still have room for a sensible dinner, or you can make room for a low-cal snack or your cup of coffee in the morning. See, it is all about balancing, planning, and preparing ahead of time. If your goal is to lose weight or change you body shape ie; put on lean tissue, then  you've got to consume healthy - clean-nutritional kcals. Be aware throughout the day what may trigger you eat on impulse. Ask yourself if you are really hungry or if you really want something that you know later will make you feel guilty. It's all about choices and willpower. But, we all at times give in and that is ok...thats life. OK!

I will be providing some price comparison chart over the weekend. This will give yo options to being able to purchase healthy foods without having to spend alot because unfortunately, healthy foods cost more.

Questions, comments, concerns - send me an email:


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