MUSCLE: the most metabolically active tissue in your why wouldn't you want ALOT of it? Why is it when I talk about putting on more muscle tissue, the first comment I hear is " I don't want to bulk up." Or, "I don't want to have big legs." Or, "I don't want to look thick" WHAT? Muscle tissue is dens tissue. I takes up less space in the body. It's Adipose tissue is what we should be fearing - it takes up more space, more surface area, it is less fibrous tissue with less tenacity & tone...think cellulite. Muscle tissue keeps you looking firm & tone, helps with balance & proprioception (which gets worse as we age), and it helps keep alignment in the oppositional muscles.

 Females need to welcome muscular hypertrophy. Too often, females get on the roller coaster of just doing cardio and too much aerobic exercise. Then, they start to decrease caloric consumption and end getting the look of "flabby" "jiggly" and "shapeless" And not to mention more chance of an injury because their muscles around the joint has atrophied.

Dont' get me wrong, I run too,., everyday 6 - 9 miles. However, running for me is all mental - it starts my day - it's my natural caffeine before I start my 5am classes. I am all about the weight though. If I don't lift and if I don't see separation in quads/hamstrings or delts/bicep femoris you better believe I'm gonna start making time to get my butt to do more weights (heavy) and decrease my running - it 's all about balancing the two disciplines. So, too much cardio and / or just cardio alone will not change your body. SKINNY FAT IS OUT AND SEXY TONE IS IN...

One last thing, you've got to eat. You've got to consume calories to build muscle. You've got to replace that old way of thinking that if I don't eat all day and have one meal, I will lose weight. Yes, you probably will but you will also lose muscle tissue and strength = burnout, staleness, and early fatigue during exercise.

HORMONES: not always our friend, however, the hormone TESTOSTERONE is our friend. Women make less of it but it is critical to building muscle tissue. Aging and lifestyle decrease this hormone and / or suppress it. We need to make more of it to build muscle.

Eggs (Whites of the egg)
Nuts ( a hand full is plenty....nuts are high in fat & calories so watch consumption)
Legumes( easy to add black beans, garbanzo beans, or chickpeas to a salad)

The above foods also contain all  essential amino acids or can be combined with another source to make it complete.. If you do no eat foods that contain all essential amino acids, you will not build muscles. There are 20 amino acids, out of the the 20 our body can make only10. We must get the other from food sources.

Go to Hy-Vee. Buy yourself a protein powder mix:
I buy the 1 lb bag of NNW healthy 100% Whey Protein mix. $13
I buy the vanilla so I can mix with a variety of foods.

This mix contains all the AMINO ACIDS. One scoop = 22 grams of protein. This amount of protein is the perfect amount for females post MUSCLE FUSION.

You can keep calories lower by mixing with just skim milk, almond milk, coconut milk, or even just water. Add ice cubes for thickness. Or, add some additional fruits (frozen or fresh). Bananas (high potassium), strawberries & blueberries(high antioxidant), peanut butter (more protein & good fats).

My favorite:
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
1/2 - whole Banana
10-12 Ice Cubes
small amount of Coconut Milk to help dilute mix
All together = about 300 kcals!!!!

Postworkout, I want everyone to start consuming a protein drink with 22 g protein within 30- 60 minutes after class. This is to get everyone started the first couple of weeks. It is something you can prepare ahead of time or after and it is still quick & easy.  SUGARS in the mix = less than 1 g. So, if you add a banana or other frozen fruit you will get the right amount of sugar to REFUEL YOUR GLYCOGEN STORES. If you do not refuel glycogen stores you may lack energy throughout the day and feel sluggish your next workout. It is all trial & error too. You may not feel like you're getting enough calories / energy so go ahead and add to your protein smoothie. But sometimes it takes time to get our body use to low-calorie.


While at the store, stop in the frozen dept and pick out your favorite frozen fruits... be creative. Remember, you need to feed the body with good calories to increase muscle tissue and by adding healthy fruits you will decrease inflammation within in the cells and decrease the time it takes for fibers to rebuild.  By consuming about 22 g of protein, you will aid in protein re synthesis.

Tomorrow I will provide a daily diet (just a suggestion). It will include a breakdown of calories. You may be surprised how much food you can consume while keeping kcals low - it's all about choices.

Email me with any questions, comments, concerns. I am happy to answer and help you out.


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