It's the perfect time of year to add squash, zucchini and pumpkin to your diet. All of them are in vitamin A, C, K, and all of your B's such as folate, B6 & B12. Minerals include, manganese, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Because of their darker & richer colors, they are high in beta carotene. It is these antioxidants that block cellular damage from occurring due to free radicals from being produced from cellular respiration. If you are one who pariticpates in a lot of cardiovascular exercise producing aerobic cellular respiration, you want to make sure you are consume foods high in antioxidants. Free radicals decrease immune function, increase the aging process, and increase abnormal cell production leading to disease.

They are really easy to prepare too. Many types of squash can be eaten raw, on a salad, in a wrap, or as a snack with some hummus dip. Or, bake, grill, saute, mash, prepare as a soup base or into a bread. The seeds from pumpkin and winter squash also make an easy snack option.

One of my favorites that I swear I lived off of in college is so simple.

Yellow Squash
Acorn Squash

Cut into slices. Add olive oil to a pan w/ a drop of water. Toss into pan ,sprinkle lightly with salt & pepper and when just about finished add a touch or grated Romano cheese for flavor. The olive oil provides such a great taste that you really don't need a lot of other stuff - which would only equal extra Kcals anyway.

Often I would add to a rice pilaf, cous cous, or wild rice but by itself makes such a complete meal.

Low calorie, high fiber, and full of nutrients....squash is the perfect food with so many varieties and easy to prepare.


  1. After reading your blog today I was at the store and saw squash and zucchini packaged together so I bought it. Made it just like you said and it was delicious! I had never done this before and am amazed by the flavor it had! Will definitely do again and will have my Kids try it later. Thanks Kristen!


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