Multi-joint / Multi-muscle Program

For those who want more bang for their buck...

Using two muscle groups or better yet, working lowerbody moves at the same time you work the upperbody is considered high intensity and it is this type of training that not only burns a few more extra calories during the workout but elevates you EPOC post workout. Workouts that are higher in  INTENSITY will raise your EXCESS POST EXERCISE-OXYGEN CONSUMPTION. When you are in an energy or O2 deficit such as when doing HIIT,  you need to replace both the energy (units of Kcals) and replace O2 levels. So your training effect and adaption response are under a different state of demand compared to lower intensity or long -duration workouts or workouts that separate cardio from strength. THIS IS AN IDEAL WAY TO TRAIN WITH AMAZING RESEARCH TO BACK IT UP!!!! From personal experience and own research, changes in fitness (aerobic & anaerobic metabolism) and physique deliver the results females want!!  I'm not talking about the skinny look either. HIIT will help you put on lean tissue and produce sexy striations in all the right areas.

Here is what you will need:
  • heavy dumbbell. 15 - 25 lbs
  • A bench or something to step up on that is about 16 inches high.
  • Mat
  • Keep the intensity high by continuously moving and powering / exploding throughout each movement.
  • Modify as needed

CARDIO Drills     1st complete the following!
#1Jog in place using a single-single-double rhythm to warm up unilaterally 60 seconds
#2 Jacks with a  2 count out & 2 count in in rhythm to prepare for plyo training 60 seconds
#3 Lateral Leap slow tempo using hip abduction to open up the hip joint - 60 seconds
#4 FAST FEET or FOOTBALL FEET to increase reactivity in the soleus & gastroc - 60 sec.
#5 Front Kicks to stretch gluteal / hamstrings /erector spinae muscle groups - 60 sec
 Hold DB in front of your chin w/ both hands. Step up R-leg and press overhead - 60sec
CARDIO Drill #1 30 seconds
Now L-leg  60 sec
CARDIO Drill #2 30 seconds
REPEAT THE ABOVE SO THAT YOU COMPLETE 3 sets on the R leg & 3 sets on the L leg.

Staggered leg position with R foot in front. R-hand holds the DB. Slight forward lean with the trunk.
Lower down into a lunge with arm extended. As you raise up, complete a DB Row - LAT MUSCLES
You will complete the above drill for 60 seconds 3 x / side. After 1 set of both R & L, complete 30 seconds of CARDIO Drill #2 from above.  As you are moving through the multi-muscle movement, do so with speed & power....not slowly. This will also get your HR up and overload the O2 system

Lay Supine on the bench. Right hand hold the DB completes 10 reps unilaterally. Stand up, still holding weight in R hand complete 10 JUMP SQUATS. Switch to the L-hand, lay back down on the bench, supine, and press 10 reps, stand holding the DB in the L hand, 10 Jump Squats.
REPEAT THE ABOVE w/o rest or any CARDIO DRILL for a total of 4 sets / side.

Back to a stand now. Recover from this last drill by doing 30 seconds of CARDIO Drill #3.

UNILATERAL DEADLIFT w/ Upright Row. Right foot is grounded, Left knee stays in flexion. Lean forward from waste holding DB low, arm extended. Raise back up using the HAMSTIRING/GLUTES and immediately complete an UPRIGHT ROW.
20 REPS / side, slowly.
 After comleting the above, recover with 60 seconds of CARDIO Drill #4

Forward Lunge w/ R leg. Holding DB in R hand. Complete 20. Switch to the L side. 4 Sets w/o rest each side
Complete CARDIO Drill #5 60 seconds

Wide leg Squat, Toes turned out slightly. Hold DB in R hand shoulder level. Squat down and as you stand, unilateral overhead shoulder press. 15x / side. Complete 3 sets. Nonstop Squats although you are allowing the shoulder to take a small break = increased metabolic burn!!!!!
Recover with 60 Seconds of CARDIO Drill # 1

Tricep Overhead Extension with Side Lunge. Lateral Lunge R side as you move into the lunge follow through with a Tricep Extension. Before moving onto the L side, let the Triceps rest 30 seconds and complete CARDIO Drill #2 . Complete 3 sets / side. You will have complete 6 sets of Overhead Tricep Extension so the Tri muscle will be exhausted and need recovery.

Unilateral PREACHER CURL R side. Use your left hand to create the "preacher" position and help stabilize. Complete 3 sets R & 3 sets L as you balance on 1 leg  - work in opposition.

Close-stance squat position, be sure to always come back to this point and not go into wide stance. Hold DB in R hand complete- side raises for the Medial Deltoids 10x. As you raise your R arm, raise your L leg into AB-duction. Switch to your L hand and R leg. KEEPING THAT CLOSE-STANCE FEET POSITION WILL ACTIVATE MORE EXTERNAL OBLIQUES AND QUADRATUS LUMBORUM!!!!!!!
RECOVER WITH A CARDIO Drill #3 30 seconds, CARDIO Drill #4 30 seconds and CARDIO Drill #5 30 seconds.

Supine. Arms extended, hands holding DB. Knees tucked into chest. Lower the DB moving through the shoulder joint only, above the head (head should be up now). Hold the arms at this point and extend R leg back in. Extend L leg back in... 1 x each. When both knees are positioned back in towards the chest, bring the DB back above chest level. REPEAT 20 x (10x / side). This movement is done slowly to activate the RECTUS ABDOMINUS and TRANSVERSE MUSCLES!!!!

Hold DB overhead, arms in extension. Complete 100 In-Outs.
Set DB on to the Ground between your legs.
Burpee (hands land on the ground) as you are standing back up pick up DB, once torso in upright position, curl & press. 30 x
SIDE PLANK: L hand on mat, hold DB in R hand, arm in extension hold 30 seconds/side 3x.


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