Peanut Butter Rounds

This is a very energy-dense snack to get the right amount of energy stored in the muscles (glycogen) for high-intensity, long duration (up to 2 hrs), workouts. They are more difficult to digest so are best eaten before a workout or race (at least 2 hours). I use to eat 1 right before my morning long runs and could sustain my running pace for a good 2 - 4 hour run. I am sharing this with everyone who has had trouble finding the right food to fuel the body before a workout. there is nothing magical about, just the right amount of high- good carbohydrates.
As far as measurements, use your best judgment. I use more peanut butter and Nectar and the flour so that it forms a thicker stronger substance and doesn't fall apart. They can last in a plastic bag for days...I keep mine refrigerated. Eat up and enjoy!!! Train & eat like an athlete.

Hodgen Mill 100% Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour
Smart Balance creamy Peanut Butter
Nestle Cocoa Powder (sweetened, but can used unsweetened)
MADHAVA Agave Nectar
Raw Unsalted Sunflower Seeds
Wheat Germ
Mix all the ingredients and then roll the ROUND into the wheat germ. Store in plastic bags.


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