One of the most freeing feelings is not having to calculate & count calories and letting go of guilt after eating something that may not be considered "healthy" or is categorized as too sugary or too high in carbohydrates...since CHO has gotten such a bad wrap.

Speaking from experience, food is much more enjoyable once you let go of the control kcal consumption has and become more aware of your body's satiety. Being in tune with your body's hunger signals and knowing when you may need a few more carbs over protein or vice -verse allows you let go of disordered eating patterns and quit wasting energy on worrying about it.

There's not one food or one category of macronutrients that will help you burn more fat, help with weight loss, or help increase lean muscle tissue. It's all about balance - getting complex carbs, some simple sugars, some protein, mono - poly - saturated - unsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins & minerals - all from "real" food.

For example, after a 60 - 90 minute workout, heck yes you need some carbohydrates!! Go ahead and consume without the guilt!!!! Your body should naturally tell you this. Don't deprive it, you will only suffer your next workout. After a 60 minute run, you need to replenish your body - you need some simple sugars - complex carbohydrates - some sodium. Again, your body should be screaming for this sort of fuel....naturally. Or, after you've lifted heavy or completed tons of somatic drills, you want to consume higher amounts of protein along with carbohydrates to replenish & repair and help with hypertrophy of the muscle tissue. Your body should sending signals telling you that you need this sort of fuel.

My point being, as a fitness expert I have witnessed too many clients destroy their relationship with food by becoming addicted to the "how many calories can I burn or NOT consume" type of thinking. This behavior pattern is no fun and wastes so much mental energy.
 Knowing when you are hungry and knowing the type of macro you really need whether it is post workout of just in the middle of the day and letting yourself have that demonstrates a healthy relationship with food. Of course, there is different macro needs for those trying to put on muscle tissue for a Fitness Competition for example who may have to "look" a certain way or for someone trying to lose 40,50, 60 pounds, or for someone who has to follow a medically-based diet due to health reasons. But for most of us, getting back to that innate feeling of hunger and satiety is just a freeing feeling!!!!
 So go ahead, have that cookie , have that latte, enjoy a an alcoholic beverage, go out to dinner and indulge...just not every day.


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