Wondering what this Phase is all about?
To begin, I want to be clear that although it is called Phase II, this is something for everyone...all fitness levels, beginner runners to more advanced runners. This phase is based on your goals that you set. Some of you may have no desire to run a race at all and that's OK. With that, some may want to join and do "some running" and "some walking" - mixing it up is an awesome idea and a great starting point. Others may want to complete a 5k or 10k this fall or maybe even an off-course, mud run or a 1/2 marathon. Whatever your goal, your training and program structure will be a little different.

The first few weeks will be spent on Running Economy, building the base, Aerobic Capacity, Sub-VO2 Max variables, Lactate Threshold, and the ATP-PC Phosphagen System Training. All require a unique workout. Each workout will be personalized based on your experience and fit level.

What's Next?
Beginning July and into August and of course based on individual goals - distance and mileage may be increased. Keep in mind that increasing mileage & distance in the beginning is just about time on your feet while in an aerobic state. By doing this, your body will change. Your muscles respond by efficiently storing and using carbohydrates so that fat is the main source of energy, weight loss occurs, and other metamorphic responses occur to the physique. Anatomically, the fascia, soft tissue, connective tissue, and elastic components become stronger, more adaptable to stress. Bone mineral density is increased and estrogen in women is to our advantage. Physiologically, both mitochondria and capillary density increases allowing for greater concentrations of hemoglobin & red blood cells to deliver O2 to the working muscles. Psychologically, emotionally, mentally you feel a unique euphoria of accomplishment that is unrecognizable to non-runners. You will learn a lot about yourself in these 12 weeks and distance helps with that!!!!

Technique will be discussed here on the blog weekly. It would benefit many of you to take advantage of the advice and suggestions to aid in your running and to email me with specific questions you have about your gait, stride, etc.  For example, do you know the importance of running with your pelvis rather than your legs? Do you know what this means, looks like, feels like? Do you over-stride putting stress on your knees or are you an efficient runner who use the tractor tire analogy as you run? Do you tighten your abdominal muscle group while running and do you know why this is contradicted? Why abdominal tightening increases that achy feeling in your knees and stresses  lumbar spine resulting in low back pain? Do you know how to maintain a comfortable kinetic chain when running to again, lessen the shock on the ankle, knee, hip joints? And finally, do you know the importance of running in a somewhat fetal position when running long?
Along with the work, education is key to becoming a good runner, one that is injury-free. Because running doesn't cause injuries, it is doing too much too soon with improper form or technique.

Running Groups are formed for the "group" camaraderie and friendships that are built in this type of setting. Not to mention the accountability that having a group or running partner provides. 
So I invite you to join this 12 week adventure - new to running or those runners who just want more advice, a group to run with, or just love the sport - this is for everyone!!!

Begins Saturday June 8th.
12 weeks- $20...you can't beat that deal
Email with questions, comments, concerns to kreid12@cox.net


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