You Are What You Eat..

I would love to say you could lose weight by just coming to Fusion every day, but I would be lying. It takes 3500kcals to lose on pound, most people only burn between 300-500kcals in a good workout. It's not uncommon for someone to consume 1,000kcals in on bad meal. In other words, you can blow several good workouts in one high-calorie meal.
You can workout every day but if you're taking in as many calories as you burn (or more, you won't lose weight).
You MUST watch what you eat in addition to exercise to see results. Remember, exercise does not make you gain weight, it is what you are eating whether it is too much or just "junk" calories which are easily stored as fat. Let's not be too worried right now about how many or percentages of each macro nutrient we need each day and focus a little more on portions and whether or not you really are hungry. Don't just eat because the clock says so and keep in mind, you don't have to have 2 snacks each day. But if you do, 100 kcals should suffice and not 250-300. A meal should be anywhere between 350 - 500 kcals- max. Of course, you should do what is best for you . Do you eat 3 meals a day? Or, can you graze all day eating 5-6 mini meals each day? Some studies show that grazing helps to keep your metabolic rate fired up all day, but then again, if you're really not hungry, why consume those calories? Especially if you're trying OT lose weight - you're body will not go into starvation mode that fast and start feeding off your fat-free mass (FFM). If you have weight to lose then you probably have extra FFM anyway.

Think about portions
1 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetables 1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta = a rounded hand

women's fist = 1 piece of whole fruit

golf ball = 1/4 cup of dried fruit

computer mouse = a medium baked potato

compact disc = a serving of a pancake or slice of bread

a ping pong ball = 2 tbsp of peanut butter

a baseball = 8 o cup of yogurt, one cup beans or one cup dry cereal

a deck of cards = 4 oz meat

It's all about calories in vs calories out but you must create that deficit in your calories by burning off more and eating fewer calories.

Motivation: BECAUSE YOU CAN!


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