Trunk Stability & Core Stability Drills

You will need a stability ball & a core ball for some of these. Modify as needed.

Single Leg Extension, slow counts of 4 / leg in extended position 20 reps. Followed by 20 fast reps. Hold core ball above head if available.

Stability Ball Supine Crunch 50 reps. Lay down on stability ball, entire back has contact w/ the ball. Wide base w/ feet for more stability and Feet in a narrow stance (on floor) to engage a few more stabilizer muscles.

Stability Ball Double Leg Extension: Place stability ball between legs. Knees bend about 20 degrees. Head up hands underneath tailbone for support. Lower legs & ball towards floor & back up. 25 reps

Side Plank. Rest on left forearm. Hips up. Hold for 25 counts. Rest on right forearm. Hips up Hold 25 counts.

Repeat the above 3-4 rounds.


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