12 Drills of Christmas Challenge

In addition to your daily workouts at Fusion, I have a challenge for all the Small Group Personal Training clients to take. It consists of 12 days of drills with the number of repetitions provided. Each day you will do a new drill and work your way back up to the previous day's drill. On day 12, you will complete all 12 Drills. A fun challenge that should be fairly simple to complete - a great way to expend some additional Kcal's, improve mood, and increase stamina.

DAY1: 100 Jump jacks (move fast,fully extended arms, all the way up & overhead)

DAY 2: 30 Push ups (start in elevated prone position, complete as many reps as you can, do not stop once fatigued, rather place knees on mat and continue set)

DAY 3: 40 Leaps (use aggressive arm swings to propel your body laterally with purpose)

DAY 4: 20 Full BURPEE'S (drop down all the way to the ground, if by chance you must modify, then use a step in your house, a kitchen chair, or something else that is a couple inches off the ground)

DAY 5: 30 High knees

DAY 6: 20 Spider Crawls (Be sure to add internal hip rotation and drop your pelvis towards the floor)

DAY 7: 30 Tricep Dips (use a stair or chair)

DAY 8: 25 Squats (down to your 90degrees,hold for 4 counts, back up to full extension w/ gluteal contraction)

DAY 9: 40 Toe Taps (use the floor or for more intensity use a step in your house)

DAY 10: 30 Mountain Climbers

DAY 11: 25 Wide-leg jump squats (for more intensity, turn toes out on the jump & landing phase)

DAY 12: Plank, hold for 1 full minute. (additional challenge, hold a Chataranga pose for 1 minute).

You all can do this and will feel sooo much better with these little bursts of movement throughout the day!!!!
Since this challenge officially begins December 10th and will end December 22nd (12 days), on December 23rd 24th 25th you can start a new challenge: Go through all these drills completing 3 rounds. Since this really shouldn't take too long, do 3 rounds in the am and 3 rounds in the pm. Ask your spouse or kids to join you. Pus, the days that Fusion is closed Dec 23, 24, 25th this will give you something to do!!!!

SGPT clients, check in with me to let me know you are completing this challenge - via email, facebook, text.

I'm right there with you completing this challenge - let's do this together and raise are RMR's



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