Get ready for a new type of training in September at FUSION. If there is one thing I am confident about within my field of study is the science behind muscular hypertrphy. Although there is still alot of debate in the health & fitness industry on how the body responds to growth, from experience I feel my approach to weight/resistance training will deliver amazing reults such as sculpted, striated, an sexy-defined muscularity!! So, I am taking you all back to my old school training days - back over 20 years ago when I got into lifting and started my own research on the best methods behind weights.   Basically, the methodology & science behind this training is all about overload & high volume training maximizing fatigue without going to muscular failure.

In Muscle Fusion class, all month long in September, there will be a new format. This format follows the guidlines of 1 RM training along with the ACSM guidlines for gaining both muscular strength &  muscular endurance while adding the 3rd component of muscular hypertrophy. Using a variety of training methods that I followed in the past such as pyramind, supersetting, dropsets, burn outs, and more, you will increase fiber size. Now, don't be afraid ladies, you will not get "big" arms & legs...however, and maybe just in my opinion, nothing is sexier and shows that you put in hard work than separation between the bicep femoris and the anterior & medial deltoids, medial pectoral separation, and when all three heads of the tricep muscle group "pop" So, I ask you all to be open minded to this 4 week format of training.

With this type of training comes a need for a proper diet... carefully monitored by YOU! It is going to require a a lot more protein intake plain &'ve got to eat "clean" most days of the week limit starchy carbohydrates on most days of the week, and throw out the mentality that starvation is the key to lose weight. Well, it can cause weight loss, but loss of muscle tissue too. I would think we have heard over & over that muscle wasting through starvation only loweres BMR. So,here goes: to put on muscle tissue YOU NEED KCALS - and sometimes 250-500kcals extra on those days you lift. Scary? I know, I understand. But, if those kcals come from a lean source of protein AND you train smart 5-7 d/wk,  nothing to worry about...I promise.

This past summer in Muscel Fusion I did a lot of interval training and in my opinion a higher than normal amount of aerobic training. My goal for eveyone was basically to increase aerobic capacity, gain some additional stamina &endurance and burn off some extra calories...because it was summer. THat is not to say this type of trainig won't burn off a great amount of kcals. In fact, with high volume strength/resistance training, scientific studies show over and over that your EPOC is elevated anywhere between 60 minutes - 13 hours postworkout. Now that is some serious kcal burning!!!!

We will all continue with somatic training & leverage training because I believe it is that type of training that teaches body strength -body awareness and neuromuscular fasciliation. So, a little bit of that and a whole lot of high-volume training. I want to encourage all our you to still get your cardio workouts in...on opposite days a little bit longer aerobic style workout. Whether it is Bootcamp, Cardio Conditioning, Rockstar, or some form of aerobic training on your own, this will keep your heart muscle in check. With the right balance of the two, those who are trying to lose body fat and/or have lost some body fat (decreased total body weight) you will not have that "I lost weight, but I have no muscel tone" look. Just keeping it real!

Get signed up for September classes soon. All registrations be taken at the studio ASAP! Notice a few changes to the schedule. And, dont' forget about the special events coming up:

BASIC TRAINING LEAGUE Sept 8th teams or no team, you can still participate and get a tshirt

LABOR DAY WORKOUT...MONDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd @ 7am.   Partner training - and refreshments to follow!!!! Only workout that day.

ZUMBATHON, October 6th. All proceeds go to the SUSAN G. KOMEN Foundation. Im asking everyone to participate or donate. There are all these 5k runs for charity that so many of you do, which is GREAT, however, the place you get you training at, FUSION, is asking for you support. $20 a ticket...2 hours of FUN &  BIG PARTY plus PRIZES, DRAWINGS, VENDORS, & DRINKS!!

Stop into the studio for additional registrations and to see what programs (new) Im offering this fall/winter. GET EXCITED ABOUT YOUR FITNESS!!!


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