A pound of fat bulges out 18% more than a pound of muscle. If you're resistance training like you should be to increase weight loss, you will notice a difference in your body before you'll see a difference on the scale. Be patient - have belief in yourself.

To lose weight you need to maximize the nutrients in every calorie you consume. That's why it's so important to eat calorie-dense fruits and especially vegetables.

Foods should be eaten raw, steamed, grilled, poached, baked or broiled. Frying foods depletes the nutrients in food.

You only have one body - think of it as needing to feed your body nutrients rather than just food. You need to take charge of your life and plan ahead. That means prepare your meals and especially your snacks at the beginning of the week or the start or end of each day. Don't fall into the trap of grabbing something high calories and fat and low in nutrients because you didn't plan ahead.


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