We've all been there, a few days of too much sodium, too many high starchy foods, or too many alcoholic beverages after a weekend. Feeling bloated can cause us to feel sluggish, worn down, tired, have GI issues, and make our clothes feel tighter. So this 3 day system can help you shed some water weight the natural way.

Water weight and losing body fat are two different things. If you need to lose body fat it will take time, hard work, a strict long term diet, and a positive mental outlook. Shedding water and de-bloating allows you to get back on track and start feeling better.


1st Nutrition Component:
2- 3 meals of Veggies & Protein. 1 meal with a carbohydrate source but only postworkout. Starch sources include: brown rice, 1/2 baked potato, sweet potato, Bulgar, Oats, Whole-grain pasta, Rice Pilaf,  Cous Cous, bran, etc.
 Next, consume 3 Liters of water on all 3 days. In addition to the recommended water intake you may have as much unsweetened tea such as black, green, chamomile, herbal. You can also  have 2-3 cups of black coffee but no sugary sweet drinks or sodas.

2nd Workout Component:
Get 60 minutes of exercise and no longer. Focusing on INTENSITY and not DURATION is key. When you increase duration of exercise you will also increase cravings & appetite making it harder to stick with this system for 3's a catch 22.  Your exercise routine will consist of both high intensity cardio and full body strength training.

3rd Component:
Get enough rest and de-stress. The hormones cortisone and norepinephrine are increased  during times of stress resulting in turning to food as comfort or increased cravings of sugary/starchy CHO. That will only defeat the purpose of the system. Getting enough rest is essential - during sleep our body's undergo protein synthesis, build up new tissue, repair, recover and allows our mind to shut down.

Along with the 3 components above you want to be sue to get a 12 - hour fast each night. For example, if your last meal was at 7pm you won't eat again until 7am.

Remember, this de-bloat system should be used every now and then and should not be used every week (weekend). And, this is not a weight loss system or way to shed body fat.


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