Goal Mileage WEEK # 3

This week's running mileage goal is 17 - 50 miles between Sunday and this Saturday.

On your own, with the CBRC, or with someone else, you should strive for 3-4 miles per daily run on 3 or 4 nonconsecutive days for those who have been running less than a year on a regular basis.

Those running for several years on a regular basis should aim for higher mileage, on most days of the week as long as you are injury-free.

Saturday, June 29th will be our last group Saturday run until July 13th. Plan on an increase in mileage this coming Saturday. As always, there will be different routes/mileage to choose from.

During the week of July 1st - July 7th, your weekly goal is 10 - 35 miles - consider it regression week, resting week, or cross-training week. It's always a good idea to cut back or "regress" in miles every now and then to prevent the running muscles from becoming stale. It gives the running muscles a nice break from the wear & tear using the same movement patterns and time for optimal recovery for growth & change in both the physiology & kinematics.

Prepare for this Saturday by getting FLUIDS, SUGARS, & CHO into the body's tissue over the next few days. Since carbohydrates (grains), fruits, and vegetables contain mostly H2O in their chemical makeup, go ahead an snack on foods from those groups. This will allow your body tissues to absorb and hold onto fluids needed during a hot-humid and long run.
 If the humidity stays with us through Saturday, prepare by taking in a drink with some electrolytes prior to your morning run. However, be sure to dilute the electrolyte drink of your choice to decrease your chance of "runners trots" - that may come on when it is both hot, humid, and when mileage is increased.



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