Here is a recap to my quick spiel after last Saturdays Spring Meltdown class.

My point last Saturday as I talked to you all with extreme low-blood sugar levels post workout was this: We all at FUSION train hard, like athletes!!!! Believe me, I've been to other places in CB and I know what they do there (stop /start/ rest) we don't do that at FUSION. Be proud of that - we go "hard core" for 60 minutes or more. Running, lifting, swinging, jumping, dancing a bit, plyometrics, somatic exercise, and often times 2-a-days!!! We are extreme but, we do it right.

 I am concerned, however, with many clients not achieving results due to lack of proper nutritional intake. I want to share with you the importance of nutrition, nutrient timing, and the what & why this information is sooo important. Lastly, this information is not only to change body composition, decrease body fat, & hypertrophy, but really about aiding in your recovery so that you are prepared and feel good for your next workout. Therefore, when you have a great recovery due to the right nutrition, you will be able to workout at YOUR max levels.  In turn, changes in body comp, speed, strength, power, agility, hypertrophy will occur.

First, the catabolic state your body is in post workout is also known as the "breakdown" phase. Meaning, physiological changes have occurred in proportion to exercise duration and intensity - insulin levels decrease in the blood, levels of stress hormones (cortisol) increase, glycogen stores are depleted, macro nutrient availability decrease, and the cell integrity of muscle fibers break down hence the "catabolic state"

Theses noticeable physiological effects  include, prolonged muscle soreness, low-energy, and extended fatigue. These effects can last for days if you don't get the proper nutrition and of course rest. This is where the post exercise meal can make a huge difference in aiding in converting the body from a catabolic to a anabolic state (build up).

To convert the body into this anabolic state, a few things need to occur. You need a rise in insulin because insulin is a anabolic hormone and insulin lowers levels of cortisol while increasing carbohydrate storage. Remember, before any of you "freak out" when I say CARBOHYDRATE STORAGE - carbohydrate is also glycogen (sugars) that NEEDS to be replaced for energy in both the muscle and the liver. Without glycogen storage post workout, your next workout will "suck" So, moving on...

Research and many clinical trials show that there is an Metabolic Window of time that allows your body to recover. The duration is 30-45 minutes post workout - when your body is in need of calories. Calories taken in can lead to exercise recovery in a quick 4 - 10 hours instead of 2-3 days. If you do not take in any calories post workout up to 2 hours, any chance of results will decline drastically and that means changes in body composition will not occur, strength, endurance, power, speed, and other athletic variables will not improve. You will more than likely plateau easier and become stale.

It is not just any macro nutrient that you need but, the right macro nutrient and the right combination. Studies show that carbohydrate intake of 0.5 - 1.0 g/kg of body weight adequately improves glycogen stores. The type of carbohydrates is important for this to occur. You need both rapid & slow digesting carbohydrates (glucose & sucrose). Higher insulin levels when your body is in this state increases anabolic hormones, again, the build up phase.

I know, and again, I want to remind you all not to get all "freaked out" about carbohydrates. CHO is needed, both simple & complex, following a workout. Lipolysis can not occur without the push of CHO. And, when PROTEIN is combined with CHO, protein maximizes the body's recovery from exercise. It is unfortunate that CHO has gotten such a bad rap. Smart CHO intake is really what its all about. Those who go on low carb diet, well, just think what the STRESS of that does to their cortisol levels and the abdominal fat storage. DONT GO LOW CARB....moving on.

Research shows that protein synthesis occurs with about 20 grams PROTEIN post exercise. Milk, chicken, fish, soy, and vegetable proteins are a high quality choice but WHEY protein contains a higher level of amino acids and soy protein produces higher rates of muscle protein synthesis at rest. So, choosing both SOY & WHEY as part of your post workout meal/snack is easier digested - going directly to the muscle for repair and replenishment.

I find it difficult to balance foods to get that right proportion. I know many clients also do. That is why I've chosen the Visalus Shakes as part of my recovery. As a quick recovery post workout and as a meal. Knowing that I am getting the BALANCE of macro nutrients while getting the formula right for adequate recovery and repair from the protein while at the same time getting fat to help with micro nutrient delivery, is huge for me. Being sore, being fatigues, and not being able to workout at the level I need to for results is unacceptable. It feels good knowing that I am getting both kinds of proteins (whey & soy) and getting both kinds of CHO (simple & complex).

I've said it many times, you must have plan. You really need to be proactive with your nutrition and choose wisely. Not just any food, meal, or snack will do. It really should be thought out and preplanned. After a 60 minute class like Muscle Fusion, Bootcamp, Kettlebell, Spring Meltdown you can get by with about 300-400 calories of balanced nutriton. We need to get out of the mind frame that "I just burned off Kcals, why would I put Kcals back into my body" Remember, the METABOLIC WINDOW - the time when your body NEEDS calories and proper nutrition.

Any comments, questions, concerns, please send me an email.


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