What to eat...

Working out first thing in the morning in my opinion, takes a lot of self discipline and commitment. I couldn't imagine any other way of starting my day than with a good run, class, and some stretching. But, sometime it is hard to find time to eat between getting ready and getting to work. Then, you a few hours later you find yourself starving and reaching for everything "bad" in sight or even worse, driving through a for a breakfast sandwich.

My advice as always, you have to plan. Just like the discipline you have to get up to make it to your 5am or 5:30am class, you have to plan out what you will consume afterwards. Starting with a healthy breakfast provides energy and jump starts your metabolic rate and after a workout, the depleted glycogen stores and breakdown of muscle fibers need food for repair and to be stored for future workouts.

High fiber, low sugar cereals, oatmeal, rolled oats, steel cut oats, granola, etc are great ideas to get both fiber and energy.

An 8 oz protein shake/smoothie provides both protein and the balance of carbs to replace stored glycogen.

High fiber cereal bars (occasionally) are a nice choice for a grab-and-go breakfast

Hard boiled eggs (2) for the protein & amino acids to repair and aid in protein synthesis

Fruit is always a good choice.

Toast (high fiber, 100 Kcals) topped with almond butter

Make your own muesli mix / trail mix

8 oz cup of GREEK yogurt or Yogurt that is low in sugar with at least 7 grams protein topped with seeds or granola

I often have a scoop of peanut butter rolled in sunflower seeds or flax seeds and a glass of water/coffee

So many choices and of course think outside the box too when it comes to breakfast foods. The main goal is to have something so you prevent that "I'm staving" mode. Plus, starvation mode begins within 3-4 hours and that overtime is not beneficial for your metabolic rate.

Have a breakfast idea you would like to share, email me because I love new ideas!!!!


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