SGPT Clients

Nutrition Goal Week #1:

Starting your day with a healthy grain that is both higher in carbohydrates & fiber. The fiber con tenet should be 4 grams or more per serving on the label and contain both soluble & insoluble fiber.

If you are an AM exerciser, this should be a great after workout meal to refuel. Or, if you workout towards the late afternoon, this will provide sustained energy (CHO) throughout the day and allow stored glucose to be stored in the form of glycogen in both muscle & the liver for your late workout.

The test: how does this effect YOU by starting the day with a meal like this one? Check in with yourself to see are you hungry 2.5 - 3 hours later to the point that your feeling groggy and/or lethargic,  and are cravings setting in? Or, do you feel good? Do you feel alert, experiencing no cravings, no "rumbling" in your stomach, and feeling like you can wait another hour or so for a smaller snack?

The high fiber content should allow you to feel full longer, healthy for your gut, and attaches & pulls fat through your bloodstream preventing the build up along the arteriole walls.

Carbohydrates provide a "protein-sparing" so that protein can be used for building & repair of muscle tissue rather than for energy...leave that for CHO. Complex carbohydrates provide long-term energy and storage, initiates insulin release so fat metabolism can occur.

Many benefits to starting the day with a diet like this. But, is it for you?

Next weeks nutrition challenge will be a totally different meal to start your day so that you can compare the 2 diets.


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