Doesn't Pay To Stop Exercising

Weight it easier gained than lost when exercise is inconsistent. Weight gain caused by not exercising cannot be lost by simply resuming a previous exercise routine. If you stop exercising with the intention of starting again later, you don't get to pick up where you left off. You are likely to gain weight and get stuck with it unless you exercise a lot more. If you are bored with the same routine, change it up...try something new. Take responsibility for your fitness, wellness, and overall health because it's only YOU can make the choice.

The same is true with diet. You can not expect to be able to eat anything you want just because you are working out. For the most part, people overestimate the number of calories expended per workout. Exercise alone doesn't really help you lose a lot of body fat. Most of total body weight loss is due to decrease caloric intake in a safe manner and as long as you don't go below your Resting Metabolic Rate.

If you are exercising 5 -7 days / week as suggested by both the Presidents Council On Physical Fitness and the American College of Sports Medicine and following a common sense diet that includes foods from there natural state (vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, poultry, eggs, fish, meat, etc) you will  improve health and if you add the stimulus of exercise you will help maintain lean body mass and lower levels of fat mass.

It is ultimately up to you to move more, exercise daily, eat whole foods , & consume healthy-balanced nutritional meals for a total healthy & fit body.


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