New Way to Feed the Body

New Way to Feed the Body For those in the Kristen's Saturday Special your CHALLENGE this week is to begin feeding the body pre & post exercise a little differently than what you may be doing right now. You need to start consuming approximately 15-18 grams (8oz) of WHEY protein about 60 minutes pre workout and consume the "sweetest" healthy carb choice post workout. The science behind this tells us that if you consume a higher concentration of CHO pre workout you will increase the glycemic load and will suppress insulin release (=low energy) therefore causing the body to feed off its protein sources via the skeletal muscles. It is after a hard workout you will want to consume enough CHO so that you replenish the glycolic load "sugars" and increase amino acid uptake. It is very important to put back into the muscles the sugar "energy" to prepare your body for the next workout and without CHO your body will not metabolize fat. Why Whey? Whey is a high quality protein powder from cow's milk and is the best anabolic hormone to aid in the recovery process and formation of muscle tissue through protein resynthesis. Whey is very high in two amino acids that our body can not produce (leucine & valine) and must come from an outside source. These two amino acids are the necessary essential amino acids to preserve lean tissue and to put lean tissue on and the amino acid leucine is an excellent way to lose weight as it promotes satiety. Whey is easily absorbed in the body. It is also easily digested and can be consumed pre workout without causing GI issues. Whey is a complete protein and without complete proteins, muscle tissue will not be preserved or built. Whey will keep your body from using protein as energy throughout your workout. Two kinds of Whey: Whey protein isolate - is the purest form pf protein available containing 90% or more protein and very little if any fat and lactose> Whey protein concentrate contains 28-89% protein and more fat/lactose as the protein levels decrease. It is important to read your replacement drinks and the back of your protein powders to make sure they contain at least one of these if not both. The window to consume both CHO and protein is very important. As mentioned above, take in about 8oz of Whey protein. A powder form mixed with water is a great source. Within an hour of your workout, consume a high CHO source with a little protein as well. It is through the recovery phase (post workout) that you need more protein as well. So, throughout the day, just by making sure you have enough protein to help with the recovery phase will be less than 4oz/ meal. Keep in mind that this is necessary for those who are working out at a high intensity and a duration of no less than 45 minutes. If you are just going for a 45 minute walk then this will not apply. However, if you are participating in a class similar to last Saturday in which we did 65 minutes of grueling hard-core exercise that was both exhausting and depleting, then this type of eating plan will apply. Most Bootcamps and Muscle Fusion and anyone who runs for at least 60 minutes should think about retraining the body with this sort of plan. For some, it may mean going out and purchasing a protein powder mix so that you can feed the body in this way. Protein powders can be very inexpensive starting at $10 and as high as $50. Just read the label and make sure it lists Whey Protein Concentrate, Isolate or both. Good sources of complete proteins: Whey protein powder whole egg casein soy protein concentrate beef protein Each Saturday we have provided the P90X Recovery Drink. This drink mixture is a perfect blend of Whey Protein Concentrate and a high amount of CHO. This drink will replenish glycogen stores as well as give your skeletal muscles the much needed protein for recovery and to kick-start the resynthesis process. This Saturday expect another High-Intensity 65 minute Workout. Topic will be what research shows on weight loss and how the Thermic Effect of Food effects our metabolic rate.


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