Challenge #2-Kristen's Saturday Special Surprise Participants

Kristen's Saturday Special Surprise Participants: CHALLENGE #2 Week of April 18th Your challenge this week is: TO MOVE MORE! That's right, a new study shows that even those who may exercise 3-4 days / week or even those who exercise 6-7 days / week still have a higher mortality rate if they sit for the majority of their day. Out the 24 hours in our day, we may spend 30 90 minutes working out, but if you sedentary for the rest of that time you are not increasing certain enzymes that are releasing when on your feet (standing or moving). This enzyme aids in fat metabolism and although obvious, you are using more muscles while standing / moving and therefore are burning more calories and elevating your metabolic rate to some degree. Within this study, it is necessary to expend around 2,000 kcals/ week in activity other than your exercise program to keep the weight off. Those who can find a total of 2 hours in the day to move more, stand more, etc will lose 7 3/4 lbs / year. It is our job as fitness educators to motivate all of you to find ways to move and elevate your caloric burn. We have heard it for years now to park further away at the store, work, the mall etc. Take the steps rather than the elevator, walk your children to school or the bus stop, walk your pets a little longer each evening rather than just letting them go outside - go with them, get up and play with your children, while watching tv move do something simple for the upper body ( push ups), for the core (recline curl), for the lower body (modified squats, high knee march). Other examples are to get up from your desks as often as you can throughout the day if you have a sit down job, walk to your coworkers desk rather than send and email, walk to fill up your water bottle, or walk during your lunch break and eat your lunch at your desk. Just remember, your workouts are really a small part in weight loss or weight maintenance. As we age we all lose muscle and therefor lower the efficiency of our metabolic rates. We all need to workout to improve strength, elevate metabolites, increase cardiorespiratory function, and simply to maintain a descent level of fitness, how active you are during the entire day shows to be the biggest factor in decreasing your chance of disease and therefore mortality. Be creative and find ways to move or stand more. Tell your co-workers and family members about the challenge so that you have support and additional motivation.


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