National Nurtition Month- Let's add color to our diets!

Add color:
Red: Tomato, watermelon and guava are loaded with lycopene
Blue: Eggplant, cherries, blueberries and beets contain anthocyanins
Orange: Sweet potato, squ7ash, and cantaloupe have loads of beta-carotene
Yellowish-orange: Peaches, tangerines and papaya contain cryptoxantin
Green: Kiwi, spinach, and green peppers contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin

With all smoothies, you can top with either flaxseed, low-fat granola, wheat germ, sunflower seeds or sliced almonds. Time to do some shopping…..

Blueberry Smoothie

1 cup blueberries
½ cup hemp nuts
1 cup plain yogurt
1 cup ice cubes
2 tbsp agave nectar

Pumpkin Shake

6 oz Almond Milk
6 9z Vanilla GREEK Yogurt
½ cup pumpkin puree’ (canned)
Dash cinnamon
Ice is optional for thickness
Chocolate-Berry Shake

1 cup sliced fresh raspberries
1 medium banana, peeled
½ cup nonfat milk
1 scoop chocolate – flavored whey protein powder
½ cup ice
Banana-Coconut Cream Pie

2 scoops vanilla protein powder
2 cups skim milk
¼ tsp almond extract
2 tbsp peanut butter
½ cup coconut, shredded
½ medium banana, frozen
1 ½ cup ice

*use the smoothies/shakes to replace a meal option.
Perfect for breakfast or immediately following an intense workout!


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