S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting

Is your goal to lose weight, run a 5k, improve flexibility, or just be fit, then by setting SMART fitness goals will help you stay focused and motivated along your journey of accomplishing a short term goal.

S - specific: AN example is that you want to lose weight. But, you need to be specific about it. How much? By when? How you will be going about it? Where you will be working out (location) and what formal exercise you will doing? Why do you want to lose? And, be honest with yourself.

M - measurable: Where are you right now? Right down your weight if it is to lose weight. Write down your time if you are trying to lower your 5K time. Give yourself measureable points along the way. Such as, I won't weigh myself until at the end of this month. I will time my pace every Monday>

A - attainable: Make sure it is something you can really accomplish. Can you really lose 20 lbs in a month....absolutely not (safely), but you could probably lose 5-6 lbs of body fat in 4-6 weeks. So, you need to look at the time frame you gave yourself and be sure that the number or what you are measuring is attainable. Be challenging, but honest with yourself.

R - realistic: This is different than attainable because you may set yourself up for something you just can't do. You may attain a goal of losing 5 lbs in a month, but it may not be realistic if you write down: "I will cut out all sugars and run every day." A change like almost always sets you up for failure because of your lifestyle, schedules, and planning, and the stress on you physically, emotionally, and mentally can be too much too soon. Something like: " I will allow myself a cheat day on Sunday and again on Wednesday if only I got a workout in. Or, I will bring my lunch to work, but on Fridays I will allow myself to go to lunch with co-workers.

T - timely: To really make a goal a goal you have to attach a timeframe to it. Is your goal to run the CB marathon this spring or the 5K? Then that is your date. Or, do you wish to put on 5 lbs of lean tissue by May 1st? That is another goal attached to a timeframe. Your goal doesn't necessarily have to end when this program does. You just need to be working on it throughout.


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