Antioxidants for muscle repair...
Getting enough antioxidants from fruits daily allow the vitamins and polyphenols to speed up muscle recovery. When you exercise, especially aerobic exercise, your body produces free radicals which can be hard on the body's tissues and cells and will prolong muscle recovery. Eating fruits with your post workout protein drink can also give you the complex carbohydrates your body needs to store energy for the next time you workout. Remember, if you are consistently working out or training, your muscles may always be in a state of recovery and will need not only extra protein, but also extra fruits to provide the essential nutrients. Examples are: Strawberries-offer heart healthy, anti-inflammatory and cancer fighting power Mangoes-Vit A, C,E..stronger immune function Bananas-34% Vit B6 daily plus the electrolytes needed for muscle contractions Kiwi-Vit A, C, & E that increase muscle repair/regrowth Pineapples-73% of the mineral manganese (build bone & tissue) Cherries-Reduce...